World Bank, WFP support 1 mln+ food insecure in Sudan

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) alongside the World Bank, have provided cash assistance to over a million people across 154 locations in Sudan, in the last two weeks. The joint programme called the Sudan Emergency Safety Nets Project, responds to the deep food insecurity in Sudan caused by a poor harvest and rising food prices. Over the following four months, at least two million people will receive emergency assistance.

A displaced man in Khor Abeche, South Darfur, with a sack of millet distributed by the World Food Programme (Albert González Farran / Unamid)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) alongside the World Bank, have provided cash assistance to over a million people across 154 locations in Sudan, in the last two weeks. The joint programme called the Sudan Emergency Safety Nets Project, responds to the deep food insecurity in Sudan caused by a poor harvest and rising food prices. Over the following four months, at least two million people will receive emergency assistance.

The joint Sudan Emergency Safety Nets Project, which served as a platform for providing cash and food support to the most vulnerable population in Sudan, was originally paused due to the October 25 2021 military coup. The international aid effort also stopped processing any new operations as it closely monitored and assessed Sudan’s political crisis.

However, an emergency $100 million funding was provided to the WFP, in response to the burgeoning crisis in food insecurity for households and communities across Sudan. The cash transfers and food will be provided to beneficiaries in 11 states in Sudan based on a vulnerability assessment.

The assessment will utilise “geographic and community targeting methods”, according to a World Bank press release.

Through a process of ‘vetting’, target areas and communities will be selected based on the level of extreme poverty.

The press release stated that priority will been given to “women, children, elders, and those with disabilities”.

The project is funded through the support of the European Union, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Norway, Canada, Italy, Finland, Spain, Ireland, and the State and Peacebuilding Fund to the Sudan Transition and Recovery Support Trust Fund (STARS), an umbrella coordination platform for World Bank engagement in Sudan.


