Women injured in North Darfur ‘land dispute’

Two displaced women from the camps in Kabkabiya in North Darfur have been injured in attacks by paramilitaries on farms, under the pretext of ownership of the land.

Militants in Darfur (File photo)

Two displaced women from the camps in Kabkabiya in North Darfur have been injured in attacks by paramilitaries on farms, under the pretext of ownership of the land.

Displaced people reported that militants carried out a series of attacks on displaced people on farms at Bora and Habor areas in northern Kabkabiya from June 7 to 9, saying that they own the land.

Hawa Abdelrahman and Maryam Ahmed, from El Salam and El Matar camps in Kabkabiya were injured.

As reported previously by Radio Dabanga, the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) has extended the mandate of the joint UN-AU Mission in Darfur (Unamid) for 12 months, following “drastic change in security and political developments in Sudan”.

The Council also called on Sudan’s Transitional Military Council (TMC) to ‘immediately and unconditionally’ rescind the decree made on Thursday for Unamid to hand over its assets to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Sudan’s main government militia.

Last week, Unamid dispatched a mission to asses and verify the situation in the Deleig area in Central Darfur following deadly raids by RSF militiamen this week that have left at least 17 civilians dead and more than a dozen injured.

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