West Darfur completes vehicle registration

West Darfur inventorised that 5,500 unauthorised vehicles are present in the state. To the remaining unauthorised vehicles the customs smuggling act will apply.

West Darfur inventorised that 5,500 unauthorised vehicles are present in the state. To the remaining unauthorised vehicles the customs smuggling act will apply.

830 of the unauthorised vehicles were Land Cruisers, the committee tasked to adjust the situation of vehicles in the states of Darfur, announced. Unauthorised vehicles are often used in criminal activities and violence, a phenomenon that state governments try to curb by register and legalise the unregistered vehicles.

Chairman Maj. Gen. Hussein Nafi further reported that 2,500 vehicles have completed the registration procedures in West Darfur so far. He announced the end of the registration and inventory period, and denied that the committee intends to extend this period.

The committee will now apply the customs smuggling act on the vehicles that have not undergone this inventory.

South Darfur state completed its project to register and legalise unlicensed and unregistered vehicles this year. Sudan’s First Vice-President Bakri Hassan Saleh said that the next step is to enforce the collection of weapons from civilian hands.

