Villages raided, livestock stolen in Tawila, North Darfur

Three herders were injured in attacks in Tawila locality, North Darfur, during the past two days. On Monday, passengers of a commercial vehicle were robbed in the area north of Tabit.

“A group of Janjaweed riding on camels, backed by others in seven Land Cruisers, raided the villages of Taradona, Souswa, Hillet Mandi, and Rahad Shokar yesterday and today,” a villager reported to Radio Dabanga on Monday.

Three herders were injured in attacks in Tawila locality, North Darfur, during the past two days. On Monday, passengers of a commercial vehicle were robbed in the area north of Tabit.

“A group of Janjaweed riding on camels, backed by others in seven Land Cruisers, raided the villages of Taradona, Souswa, Hillet Mandi, and Rahad Shokar yesterday and today,” a villager reported to Radio Dabanga on Monday.

“They stole about 400 head of livestock,” he said, adding that three herdsmen were wounded on Monday, when the militiamen robbed them of their livestock near the Shukoura well, north of Khazan Tunjur, in the East Jebel Marra part of Tawila locality.

On Sunday, gunmen ambushed a Toyota pick-up truck while it was on its way from Kunjur Timo to to Tawila town. “They stripped us of our money, mobile telephones, clothes, and even our shoes,” one of the passengers told Radio Dabanga.

