Vigil against land seizure, corruption in Central Darfur

The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) staged a vigil in front of the Jebel Marra Project office in Zalingei, capital of Central Darfur. They protested against the seizure of a piece of land owned by the Jebel Marra Project by the acting governor ‘for his personal benefit’.

Protest in Zalingei earlier this year (RD correspondent)

The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) staged a vigil in front of the Jebel Marra Project office in Zalingei, capital of Central Darfur. They protested against the seizure of a piece of land owned by the Jebel Marra Project by the acting governor ‘for his personal benefit’.

The participants in the vigil condemned these practices and demanded that the acting governor of Central Darfur be dismissed. They demanded that the seizure be cancelled.

They also demanded that all the perpetrators in this crime should be held accountable. They also seek an end to corruption and the removal of figures of the former regime.

The SPA of Central Darfur said in a statement: “The delay in the formation of state governments makes it possible that elements of the former regime steal public money and that nobody can stop this.”

During the peace negotiations between the Sudanese government and armed movements in the South Sudanese capital in Juba in the past two months, the parties agreed on appointing new state governors after a peace accord has been reached.


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