Vaccination campaign in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

The Ministry of Health of Central Darfur state will start a ten-day vaccination campaign against yellow fever in Central and North Jebel Marra localities today. The two localities were not covered by a previous vaccination campaign, as the disease did not emerge in the area then, Eisa Mohamed Musa Yousef, Central Darfur state’s Minister of Health explained to Radio Dabanga from Zalingei.  The campaign is targeting age groups ranging between 9 months to 60 years old. Pregnant women are exempted. The minister appealed to all residents of the two localities to “quickly respond and vaccinate themselves and their children against yellow fever in Golo, capital of West Jebel Marra, and Rokoro, capital of North Jebel Marra”. He urged them to keep their vaccination cards “because they are required when they will travel abroad”. File photo: Yellow fever vaccination campaign in El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, November 2012 (Albert González Farran,/Unamid)

The Ministry of Health of Central Darfur state will start a ten-day vaccination campaign against yellow fever in Central and North Jebel Marra localities today.

The two localities were not covered by a previous vaccination campaign, as the disease did not emerge in the area then, Eisa Mohamed Musa Yousef, Central Darfur state’s Minister of Health explained to Radio Dabanga from Zalingei. 

The campaign is targeting age groups ranging between 9 months to 60 years old. Pregnant women are exempted.

The minister appealed to all residents of the two localities to “quickly respond and vaccinate themselves and their children against yellow fever in Golo, capital of West Jebel Marra, and Rokoro, capital of North Jebel Marra”. He urged them to keep their vaccination cards “because they are required when they will travel abroad”.

File photo: Yellow fever vaccination campaign in El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, November 2012 (Albert González Farran,/Unamid)

