UNAMID confirms last week deadly air strike in North Darfur

 A UNAMID patrol confirmed air strikes that killed civilians in North Darfur last week. According to residents, the attacks resulted in more than ten deaths.


A UNAMID patrol confirmed air strikes that killed civilians in North Darfur last week. According to residents, the attacks resulted in more than ten deaths. The patrol to North Darfur villages of Um Rayi and Hashaba, 72 km and 62 km northeast of Kutum respectively, confirmed that bombs fell there on 18 May. The Mission also reported that on the same day “Government planes carried out strikes in the area of Ba’ashim village, approximately 80 km northeast of Kutum.” No casualties were reported in the locality. 

The peacekeeping mission is normally unable to confirm Radio Dabanga’s reports of bombings because their patrols are denied access by the national security service. Ibrahim Gambari, the head of the Mission, recently publically acknowledged an increase in restrictions imposed on the Mission’s peacekeepers.

