Two young men held in Darfur’s Shalla Prison without trial

Two young men from the state of North Darfur, Hussein Sharif Ali Nur and Salim Kabashi, are still detained in Shalla Prison in El Fasher after nearly a month, according to a relative of the young men. He said that the detainees were arrested on a street while driving a vehicle. They were placed in detention without charge and their vehicle was found in the southern section of El Fasher. The relative of the two men demanded their immediate release.

Two young men from the state of North Darfur, Hussein Sharif Ali Nur and Salim Kabashi, are still detained in Shalla Prison in El Fasher after nearly a month, according to a relative of the young men. He said that the detainees were arrested on a street while driving a vehicle. They were placed in detention without charge and their vehicle was found in the southern section of El Fasher. The relative of the two men demanded their immediate release.

