Two UNAMID peacekeepers killed in South Darfur

Two Egyptian peacekeepers died when unidentified gunmen indiscriminately opened fire on them near a village in South Darfur. At about 11:30 today, a military convoy from the peacekeeping mission’s Egyptian contingent was traveling near Katila village, 85 kilometres south of Edd al Fursan. The convoy consisted of 20 personnel in 3 vehicles. The convoy was ambushed and fired on without warning, according to a statement from the peacekeeping mission’s headquarters. The attackers fled when the convoy returned fire. Two peacekeepers were also seriously wounded and were airlifted to a military hospital in Nyala. They are reported to be in stable condition. The UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) has now lost 24 personnel in hostile actions since the mission was established in January 2008.  UNAMID’s civilian chief, Ibrahim Gambari, expressed “outrage at this cowardly attack” against the patrol. The mission called on the government to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack. The attack is considered a war crime.

Two Egyptian peacekeepers died when unidentified gunmen indiscriminately opened fire on them near a village in South Darfur. At about 11:30 today, a military convoy from the peacekeeping mission’s Egyptian contingent was traveling near Katila village, 85 kilometres south of Edd al Fursan. The convoy consisted of 20 personnel in 3 vehicles. The convoy was ambushed and fired on without warning, according to a statement from the peacekeeping mission’s headquarters. The attackers fled when the convoy returned fire. Two peacekeepers were also seriously wounded and were airlifted to a military hospital in Nyala. They are reported to be in stable condition.

The UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) has now lost 24 personnel in hostile actions since the mission was established in January 2008. 

UNAMID’s civilian chief, Ibrahim Gambari, expressed “outrage at this cowardly attack” against the patrol. The mission called on the government to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack. The attack is considered a war crime.

