Two rebels arrive at Hague court to face charges for attack on Darfur peacekeepers

Two rebel commanders have arrived in The Hague in the Netherlands to answer a summons of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The men are suspected of having led an assault against a base of the African Union Mission in Sudan on 29 September 2007. Abdallah Banda, a commander of splinter forces of the Justice and Equality Movement, and Saleh Jarbo of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM)-Unity faction, arrived voluntarily at the ICC this morning, according to a statement issued by the court. Judges of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber I had issued a secret summons to appear on 27 August 2009. The suspects were named in earlier news reports, but the court only officially revealed their identity today. They will appear before the judges of the court tomorrow to hear the accusations against them. Banda and Jerbo are charged with three counts of war crimes for the attack on the African Union’s Haskanita military outpost in Umm Kadada, North Darfur. Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo alleges that approximately 1000 attackers, armed with anti-aircraft guns, artillery guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, killed 12 peacekeepers and severely wounded eight others. During and after the attack, they allegedly destroyed AMIS communications installations, dormitories, vehicles and other materials and appropriated AMIS property, including refrigerators, computers, cellular phones, military boots and uniforms, 17 vehicles, fuel, ammunition and money.

Two rebel commanders have arrived in The Hague in the Netherlands to answer a summons of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The men are suspected of having led an assault against a base of the African Union Mission in Sudan on 29 September 2007. Abdallah Banda, a commander of splinter forces of the Justice and Equality Movement, and Saleh Jarbo of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM)-Unity faction, arrived voluntarily at the ICC this morning, according to a statement issued by the court.

Judges of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber I had issued a secret summons to appear on 27 August 2009. The suspects were named in earlier news reports, but the court only officially revealed their identity today. They will appear before the judges of the court tomorrow to hear the accusations against them. Banda and Jerbo are charged with three counts of war crimes for the attack on the African Union’s Haskanita military outpost in Umm Kadada, North Darfur.

Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo alleges that approximately 1000 attackers, armed with anti-aircraft guns, artillery guns and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, killed 12 peacekeepers and severely wounded eight others. During and after the attack, they allegedly destroyed AMIS communications installations, dormitories, vehicles and other materials and appropriated AMIS property, including refrigerators, computers, cellular phones, military boots and uniforms, 17 vehicles, fuel, ammunition and money.

