Two killed, dozens wounded in South Kordofan inter-tribal fighting

Two people were killed and 43 others were injured in clashes between members of the Kenana tribe in South Kordogan’s Abu Jubeiha locality on Friday.
firearms and white weapons were used in the villages of El Jangur and Fatatat south Abu Jubeiha in South Kordofan since Thursday.
A listener told Radio Dabanga from El Jangour village, south of Abu Jubeiha town, that a tribal feud broke out at El Jangur village south of Abu Jubeiha on Thursday.
“The fighting, with guns and knives, then spread to the villages of Fatatat villages,” he reported. “On Friday, two people were killed, and dozens were injured.”

Abu Jubeiha locality (UN OCHA map of South Kordofan)

Two people were killed and 43 others were injured in clashes between members of the Kenana tribe in South Kordogan’s Abu Jubeiha locality on Friday.

Firearms and edged weapons were used in the villages of El Jangur and Fatatat south Abu Jubeiha in South Kordofan since Thursday.

A listener told Radio Dabanga from El Jangour village, south of Abu Jubeiha town, that a tribal feud broke out at El Jangur village south of Abu Jubeiha on Thursday.

“The fighting, with guns and knives, then spread to the villages of Fatatat villages,” he reported. “On Friday, two people were killed, and dozens were injured.”

The violent conflict continued until police and security forces intervened on Saturday.

“By Sunday, 43 people were being treated in the hospital of Abu Jubeiha, 12 of them were in critical condition,” the source said.

The authorities arrested dozens of Kenana tribesmen, including three women. They were taken to the police station of Abu Jubeiha.

