Two killed by bomb explosion in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

The detonation of an unexploded grenade leads to the deaths of one child, one 23-year-old, and their donkeys near Fanga in the East Jebel Marra region.

One child and one 23-year-old died in a bomb explosion south of Fanga, East Jebel Marra, on Thursday.

A relative of the victims told Radio Dabanga that Bishara Abdelrahman Adam (14 years) and Mariam Saleh Omar (23 years) were riding on donkeys on their way to a garden, 3 km south of Fanga. Their movement triggered an unexploded grenade to detonate. Both Bishara and Mariam died on the spot, along with their donkeys.

The relative explained that parts of their bodies were scattered. They were collected and buried on the same day.

*Years of conflict have left Darfur and other parts of Sudan littered with potentially deadly explosives and munitions (UXO), such as missiles and grenades. Radio Dabanga appeals to listeners throughout Darfur (and elsewhere in our reception area) not to touch any ‘unexploded’ grenades or other ammunition found in the field. Mark its position clearly to alert others, and report it immediately to a camp elder, Unamid and/or the local police.

