Two farmers dead in Darfur robberies

Armed paramilitaries murdered two men in separate incidents in Darfur on Monday. Robbery was the motive for both killings.

Armed paramilitaries murdered two men in separate incidents in Darfur on Monday. Robbery was the motive for both killings.

Farmer Juma Adam Mohamed was shot dead and Ahmed Ishaq Karif was seriously wounded, when bandits opened fire on them as they worked their lands near Birka Saira in Saraf Umra locality in North Darfur.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the men were stripped of anything of value. Karif was transferred to Saraf Umra hospital in critical condition.

Farmer Ibrahim Yahya Abdullah was shot was shot and killed West of Kachelingo in Gireida locality, South Darfur.

His brother told Radio Dabanga that militiamen opened fire on Abdullah as he returned from Kachelingo to Gereida. He died instantly. The murderers robbed him of his mobile phone, money, belonging and his donkey.

