‘Transitional government only solution for Sudan’: JEM

“The only solution to Sudan’s problems is handing power over to a transitional government, representative of all the political and civil components of the Sudanese people, and that all those rejecting a comprehensive solution are opting for the war option,” Dr Gibril Ibrahim has said in an interview with Radio Dabanga. Dr Ibrahim is head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Vice President of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF). “Partial solutions have proven their failure and any talk about them is a waste of time,” he said. “Great projects are not handled through solemn assembly,” he said, referring to President Omar Al Bashir’s involvement, which he considered “a waste of time”. “Al Bashir has stayed in power for 24 years without resolving the problem. All those who reject a comprehensive solution are choosing war.” Ibrahim stressed that his forces “will not lay down their arms if the Khartoum regime chooses to perpetuate the war”. Dr Ibrahim asserts that “the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) has failed to end the conflict in Darfur as the security situation in the province has deteriorated more than ever before. It has reached levels the whole world has witnessed, with the recent displacement of thousands of civilians. “If the Khartoum regime considers the Doha agreement a final resolution to the problem, they must remember that are influential parties like SRF who are not signatory to the agreement.” Dr Ibrahim called on the warring tribes of Darfur to direct their weapons “in the right direction, towards the real enemy which is National Congress Party” and not to fight against each other. File photo: Dr Gibril Ibrahim, head of the Justice and Equality Movement

“The only solution to Sudan’s problems is handing power over to a transitional government, representative of all the political and civil components of the Sudanese people, and that all those rejecting a comprehensive solution are opting for the war option,” Dr Gibril Ibrahim has said in an interview with Radio Dabanga.

Dr Ibrahim is head of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Vice President of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF).

“Partial solutions have proven their failure and any talk about them is a waste of time,” he said. “Great projects are not handled through solemn assembly,” he said, referring to President Omar Al Bashir’s involvement, which he considered “a waste of time”.

“Al Bashir has stayed in power for 24 years without resolving the problem. All those who reject a comprehensive solution are choosing war.” Ibrahim stressed that his forces “will not lay down their arms if the Khartoum regime chooses to perpetuate the war”.

Dr Ibrahim asserts that “the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) has failed to end the conflict in Darfur as the security situation in the province has deteriorated more than ever before. It has reached levels the whole world has witnessed, with the recent displacement of thousands of civilians.

“If the Khartoum regime considers the Doha agreement a final resolution to the problem, they must remember that are influential parties like SRF who are not signatory to the agreement.”

Dr Ibrahim called on the warring tribes of Darfur to direct their weapons “in the right direction, towards the real enemy which is National Congress Party” and not to fight against each other.

File photo: Dr Gibril Ibrahim, head of the Justice and Equality Movement

