♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦  Cholera at epidemic stage': Sudan doctors, activists

June 13 – 2017 KHARTOUM BAHRI / WHITE NILE The National Epidemiological Corporation reported the death of 820 people and the infection of more than 23,766 people with cholera since the start of May.

The newest report by the team of researchers, released on Sunday, recorded 192 new cases of cholera in towns in White Nile state, in addition to infections in El Gedaref, Northern, Red Sea and El Gezira states. In Khartoum, three people died at El Banjadeed Hospital, while in the entire state a total 249 cases were recorded in five hospitals. An emergency isolation centre in Khartoum Bahri (North) witnessed the death of 17 patients starting two weeks ago.

Acute watery diarrhoea is the adopted term for the disease by the Government of Sudan. In cooperation with the WHO it released an epidemiological bulletin this week stating there have been almost 15,000 suspected cases of acute watery diarrhoea, including 279 deaths, from mid-August 2016 to this month – compared to the 820 cholera victims who have died in May and June according to the doctors of the National Epidemiological Corporation.

The Ministry of Health dismissed the director of the Omdurman Emergency Hospital in its attempt to censor cholera information from appearing in the public agenda. In addition, opposition party members who organised activities to curb the spread of the disease have been detained.

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♦ Six die in North Darfur camp inferno

June 13 – 2017 KORMA "The situation in the camp near Korma necessitates the need for a medical convoy,” the State Minister of Health in North Darfur said following the massive fire that broke out on Friday and killed six displaced people.

Yesterday the Ministry of Health said that the medical convoy should provide medical and therapeutic services to the victims in Shoba camp. The camp is situated near Korma and a base of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (Unamid).

An initial estimation of the destruction wreaked by the fire on Friday includes the death of six people, more than 1,000 homes burned, and hundreds of families displaced.

Additionally about 100 families have been living in the open since Shoba camp suffered from a fire two weeks before, on Tuesday 30 April. An eight-year-old boy was killed and 300 homes with all their contents were lost, a camp sheikh reported at the time.

More news from Radio Dabanga:

Nine villagers kidnapped in South Darfur

June 13 – 2017 MERSHING / ZALINGEI Nine people were kidnapped from a village in South Darfur. Carjackers in Central Darfur were intercepted by a military force on Monday. Gunmen found…

Militiamen break hands of two women at North Darfur market

June 12 – 2017 TABIT In a beating by militiamen at the market of Tabit in Tawila locality on Sunday, two women were wounded. “The janjaweed broke the hands of Halima Mousa and Sarah Jumaa,” a…

SLM-MM commanders killed in North Darfur

June 12 – 2017 KHARTOUM / UM BARU Members of the Rapid Support Forces reported killed field commanders of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) in Um Baru on Thursday…

Drinking water crisis in Sudanese capitals

June 11 – 2017 EL FASHER / PORT SUDAN / ED DAMAZIN Since the beginning of the fasting month of Ramadan, the capitals of North Darfur, Red Sea, and Blue Nile states are witnessing a severe shortage of drinking…

ICC Prosecutor urges Council to arrest Al Bashir

June 10 – 2017 NEW YORK “The pervading toxic culture of impunity must be tackled in order for justice to prevail in Darfur,” the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor told the UN Security Council yesterday. Council Member States …

Sudan unwilling to take sides in Qatar diplomatic crisis

June 9 – 2017 KHARTOUM Sudan refrains from taking sides in the diplomatic crisis surrounding Qatar, amid calls from Sudanese lawmakers to back its ally against Saudi Arabia and other Arab and Gulf countries…

Peacekeepers injured in North Darfur blast

June 8 – 2017 EL TINA Ten Unamid soldiers were injured on Monday when a bomb went off alongside a patrol vehicle in El Tina locality in North Darfur, the mission has confirmed…

Telephone, internet use ‘decreasing in Sudan’

June 7 – 2017 KHARTOUM The number of telephone subscribers in Sudan has dropped from 28.3 million in 2015 to 27.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2016, the Ministry of Communications…

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