Teachers detained at rally at Education Ministry in Khartoum

Several teachers, as well as the head of the Teachers;’ Committee, were detained by security services at a protest outside the Ministry of Education in Khartoum yesterday.

Teachers Protest Khartoum 12 April (RD)

Several teachers, as well as the head of the Teachers;’ Committee, were detained by security services at a protest outside the Ministry of Education in Khartoum yesterday.

The teachers were protesting the non-payment of their salaries from April. Security forces arrested an unknown number of teachers, including Duriya Babikir of the leadership of the Teachers’ Committee before releasing them later on Tuesday.

Babikir told Radio Dabanga after her release that she and eight other teachers were transferred to the offices of the security apparatus at Shendi station where they were forced to sign a pledge before releasing them.

The number of other detained teachers and their places of detention is unknown and some of their phones are turned off.

She said the Teachers’ Committee is still conducting an inventory.

Yesterday the Teachers’ Committee condemned in a statement the strongest terms the practice of the security services in confronting teachers with arrest them for claiming their legitimate rights.

In its statement the committee held the government responsible for the safety of all detainees and confirmed, at the same time, its firm stance on the claim of rights whatever the cost.

The teachers staged a similar sit-in in March to protest the delay in salary payments in front of the Ministry of Education.

Dozens of teachers in Khartoum state carried out the sit-in in front of the buildings of the ministry to protest the delay in payment of their March salaries.

During the sit-in, protesters handed over a memorandum to the state’s education minister, demanding payment as well as other arrears and wage increases which they state that teachers are entitled to.

