Teacher killed in South Darfur

A secondary school teacher was shot dead in Kass, South Darfur, on Thursday evening.

A secondary school teacher was shot dead in Kass, South Darfur, on Thursday evening.

Three gunmen intercepted teacher Fadul Adam Abdelrahman at 9pm when he was on his way back from his mother's house to his home in Ereli, in the centre of Kass.

A resident told Radio Dabanga that the teacher refused to stop the militiamen, who were riding a motorcycle. The men opened fire on Abdelrahman, who was killed on the spot, with a bullet to the head and two to the chest.

“The incident happened a few meters from the police station in Kass, but police did not move to chase the offenders or transfer the body to the hospital,” according to the resident.

In absence of any aid, Abdelrahman's body remained on the side of the road until he was discovered at 7 o'clock the next morning.

