Summit of Chad, Sudan and C. Africa concludes in Khartoum

The tri-partite summit among Sudan, Chad and Central Africa, which was held in Khartoum since Monday, resulted in an announcement that the three countries are determined to form a partnership.

The tri-partite summit among Sudan, Chad and Central Africa, which was held in Khartoum since Monday, resulted in an announcement that the three countries are determined to form a partnership.The concluding statement of the summit affirmed the coming-into-effect of an agreement to establish a three-party joint force to protect the borders of the three countries. They also agreed on coordination between the three ministries of interior to control smuggling, cross-border migration and arrest criminals and fight organized crime that crosses the borders.

The three governments also agreed to encourage coordination and peaceful living between the tribes living along the shared borders and solve in a peaceful manner conflicts between pastoral tribes which cross the borders. The statement also encouraged the “voluntary return” of refugees of the three countries.


