Sudanese migrants say 70 dead and wounded in air attack in Libya

Sudanese who escaped from Libya and reached the Salom gateway on the Libyan border say that around 70 Sudanese were killed and wounded in a compound where they had gathered in Masrata. They say that a bomb was dropped on them

Sudanese who escaped from Libya and reached the Salom gateway on the Libyan border say that around 70 Sudanese were killed and wounded in a compound where they had gathered in Masrata. They say that a bomb was dropped on them

The spokesman of group of Sudanese migrants said that 700 people have arrived from Masrata yesterday morning after they were brought to refuge with the help of the Red Cross.

Procedures underway to transport 500 other trapped Sudanese were stopped. The migrant pointed out that the UN pledged to provide food for those 500 people. 100 women and children were transported to the customs building due to lack of places from them.

