Sudanese Air Force bombs Darfur and South Kordofan killing nine

Nine citizens were killed and seven seriously injured as a result of bombardment by the Sudanese Air Force in the west of the Dilling locality, South Kordofan. The names of three of the deceased are: Idris Abo, Kemal Al Din Kuku and Abdal Karim Hamid.

Nine citizens were killed and seven seriously injured as a result of bombardment by the Sudanese Air Force in the west of the Dilling locality, South Kordofan. The names of three of the deceased are: Idris Abo, Kemal Al Din Kuku and Abdal Karim Hamid. The names of the other six could not independently be verified. In addition, over a dozen livestock died during this incident.

The bombing started early Tuesday morning and continued until sunset. An eyewitness told Radio Dabanga how the villagers fled to the high mountains and bush as soon as the shelling started. They stayed there in terrible circumstance for twelve hours. Only after sunset did the villagers return to their towns.

The shelled areas include: Al Faragil, Al Mandal, Salara, Al Kusha, Hay Al Bir, all in the west of the Dilling locality.

On Sunday the Sudanese Air Forces also bombed the Salara market, leaving two seriously wounded: Abdelrahman Nawei and Abdelrahman Abdul Gadir.

In a separate incident the Sudanese Air Force carried out a 48 hour bombardment in the region of east Jebel Marra, which ended on Monday evening. Mustafa Tembore, the spokesman of the Sudanese Liberation Movement-Abdel Wahid (SLM-AW), told Radio Dabanga the air strikes targeted the areas of Serboa, Dabanara and Dubois Al Umda, forcing the villagers to flee. The spokesman of SLA-AW warned that “in the coming days, we will step up our game and retaliate against the government”.


