Sudan V-P calls for Khartoum roads, bridges and railways to be re-opened

The commander of Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and effective Vice-President as deputy-head of the Transitional Military Council (TMC), Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan (aka Hemeti), has stressed that “the TMC will not allow perpetration of security chaos”.

Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan (aka Hemeti) (SUNA)

The commander of Sudan’s paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and effective Vice-President as deputy-head of the Transitional Military Council (TMC), Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan (aka Hemeti), has stressed that “the TMC will not allow perpetration of security chaos”.

The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reports that at a press conference on Tuesday at the Ministry of Defence, Hemeti said that “the recent security chaos included the closure of crossings and bridges, the railway line, search and assault of citizens, and attacks on offices of the Security and Intelligence Service. He also denounced “the assault on lands, housing facilities, the Rapid Support Forces and looting SDG 13 million of its personnel salaries, besides the phenomenon of drugs”.

Outcome of negotiations

He reviewed the outcome of the negotiations, referring to the “lack of commitment on the part of the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change to what has been agreed on in the opening of bridges and roads and the passing of trains.

Hemeti pointed out that “the TMC is engaged in protection of the citizens and their property, asserting the keenness to put an end to all aspects of the security chaos in accordance with the law”.

Her affirmed the importance of opening the crossings and the removal of barriers and railways for the transport of commodities, food and petroleum supplies to the states, but said that the TMC would not attempt to disperse the sit-in by force.

Sudanese Professionals Association

The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) , however, has denied that it has reached any agreement with the TMC regarding the opening of roads, rail, and bridges. People attending the sit-in in Khartoum, became angry after a statement via social media in response to Hemeti’s allegations. They started shouting “the revolution has only started”.

