Sudan uprising; Mass action continues to grow

In the fourth week of the Sudanese sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudanese army in Khartoum and military units in the states, hundreds of thousands of people participated in the March of Millions for Freedom and Change in various parts of Sudan, and a number of states calling for response to the demands of the revolution.

#SudanUprising poster

In the fourth week of the Sudanese sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudanese army in Khartoum and military units in the states, hundreds of thousands of people participated in the March of Millions for Freedom and Change in various parts of Sudan, and a number of states calling for response to the demands of the revolution.

El Gedaref, Port Sudan, Suakin, Senga, El Obeid, Zalingei, and El Azaza in El Gezira state and other towns in the states witnessed marches in response to the call by the Forces of Freedom and Change.

The capital Khartoum witnessed multiple marches. Demonstrators chanted slogans in front of the Central Bank of Sudan, denouncing the widespread corruption in the country, and continued their march, together with huge crowds from other directions towards the sit-in at the General Command.


On Thursday, a convoy of buses moved from Khashm El Girba in Kasssala to Khartoum to participate in the sit-in of the General Command.

Gamar Hasan told Radio Dabanga that the protesters condemned the governor’s continued dealings with the National Congress Party leaders in the various towns in the state, demanding the dismissal of the locality executive director and other executive leaders because of their belonging to the former regime.

Red Sea

On Thursday, hundreds of residents of Suakin in Red Sea state demonstrated in front of the passengers port demanding realisation of the demands of the revolution and protesting more than 20-day of power cuts, drinking water shortages and bread crisis.

Journalist Amin Sinada told Radio Dabanga “The demonstration continued for many hours in front of the port, prompting the port administration to return a passenger steamer in the territorial waters”.

The protesters carried banners condemning the crisis and calling on the government expedite solution.

El Gedaref

On Thursday, angry residents of Doka in East El Galabat locality in El Gedaref state closed the main road in the area demanding the dismissal of the locality’s executive leaders. 

Hundreds of people in the locality closed the bridge linking El Galabat with Metemma in Ethiopia the face of a number of vehicles carrying members of the joint forces between Sudan and Ethiopia.

They told Radio Dabanga that they closed the road to the vehicles because they suspected that they were carrying officials of the former regime for fear of fleeing to Ethiopia and explained that they allowed the vehicles to cross after confirming the identities of those who are traveling.

Northern State

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change from the Northern State called from inside the sit-in in front of the General Command in Khartoum for opening the Merowe Dam file, which should be fully reviewed since its construction up to date.

The forces of Freedom and Change in the Northern State also called for the suspension of all procedures of the construction of Kajbar and Dal dams, holding accountable all those who have contributed to the provision of such failed projects, the abolition of all land expropriation decisions issued at the national and state level and the restoration of rights to its people immediately.

They also demanded the opening of the land and investments portfolio from the beginning of the era of the outgoing government to date and the return of rights to owners, holding the corrupt accountable, bringing them to trials and the confiscation of the unlawfully acquired land.


