Sudan: Two raped, 20 wounded in militia attack on Omdurman district

Two women were raped and more than 20 people sustained injuries during an attack by elements of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on displaced people living at the outskirts of Khartoum’s sister-city of Omdurman on Saturday. “The problems started when two militiamen of the RSF, stationed at the Khaled Bin El Walid and Ibeid Khitim military camps west of Omdurman, entered El Fateh 1 district on Friday afternoon,” an activist from the area reported to Radio Dabanga. “They went to a house in Block 105 where home-made alcoholic drinks are sold. When they attempted to rape a woman, neighbours intervened. The assailants fled after one of them was stabbed with a knife. “Yet, on Saturday afternoon, more than 50 RSF fighters in military uniforms arrived at Block 105 in a number of four-wheel drives. They severely beat the residents, robbed them of their belongings and mobile telephones, and raped two women.” The source said that eight of the wounded had to be transferred to a hospital for treatment. The police of El Fateh 1 district refused to document the complaints about the rape cases. The majority of residents of the five districts, El Fateh 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, located west and northwest of Omdurman, are displaced who fled the violence in the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, and Darfur. File photo: Militiamen in Darfur

Two women were raped and more than 20 people sustained injuries during an attack by elements of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on displaced people living at the outskirts of Khartoum’s sister-city of Omdurman on Saturday.

“The problems started when two militiamen of the RSF, stationed at the Khaled Bin El Walid and Ibeid Khitim military camps west of Omdurman, entered El Fateh 1 district on Friday afternoon,” an activist from the area reported to Radio Dabanga.

“They went to a house in Block 105 where home-made alcoholic drinks are sold. When they attempted to rape a woman, neighbours intervened. The assailants fled after one of them was stabbed with a knife.

“Yet, on Saturday afternoon, more than 50 RSF fighters in military uniforms arrived at Block 105 in a number of four-wheel drives. They severely beat the residents, robbed them of their belongings and mobile telephones, and raped two women.”

The source said that eight of the wounded had to be transferred to a hospital for treatment. The police of El Fateh 1 district refused to document the complaints about the rape cases.

The majority of residents of the five districts, El Fateh 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, located west and northwest of Omdurman, are displaced who fled the violence in the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, and Darfur.

File photo: Militiamen in Darfur

