♦ Sudan: This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s news highlights from Darfur and Sudan

No traffic in Khartoum after dusk-to-dawn curfew was imposed in Sudan, March 25, 2020 (Social media)

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's news highlights from Darfur and Sudan

♦  Coronavirus, precautions spread in Sudan

March 30 – 2020 KHARTOUM / GABATIT Minister of Health Akram El Tom reported yesterday that six people in Sudan have been infected with the coronavirus (Covid-19) so far.

Information Minister Feisal Mohamed Saleh announced that the curfew to curb the spread of the coronavirus will be expedited from 8 pm to 6 pm, starting on Tuesday.

Minister of Energy and Mining Adil Ibrahim went into voluntary quarantine on Saturday, after coming within one metre to a person infected with the coronavirus.

About 34 Sudanese have been put in quarantine near the Gabatit border crossing in Halayeb locality in Red Sea state, after they entered Sudan from Egypt three days ago.

Journalist Osman Hashim visited the area and told Radio Dabanga that they have been accommodated in two isolation centres in Gabatit. The returned Sudanese complain of shortages of water and food. There are no beds.

The newly appointed head of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, Sheikh Abdelrahim Adam, said that the Academy is discussing whether Friday prayers should continue as usual, or whether they must be stopped, according to the ban on all gatherings.

The Communist Party of Sudan said in a statement yesterday that the situation requires that the Ministry of Health take control of all resources available at the state agencies, including army and police hospitals, and hospitals of the security apparatus.

♦  Coronavirus: ‘Sudan needs a total lock-down for two weeks’

March 27 – 2020 KHARTOUM Sudanese politicians and civil society activists have described the measures taken by the government to limit the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) as good but incomplete.

On Monday, March 23, Khartoum imposed a State of Emergency in the country, with a curfew from 8 pm to 6 am, closure of the borders and a ban on air traffic. Schools and markets have been closed. Gatherings are prohibited. At 8 pm on Thursday, public transport to the states came to a halt as well.

However, stronger precautionary measures should be taken, according to Hafiz Ismail, former banker and head of the NGO Justice Africa Sudan.

“The required action to prevent the spread of corona now is to seriously consider a total curfew in the entire country for two weeks,” he advised. “At the same time, the government should deal with the impact of such a curfew on people's livelihoods.”

The Communist Party of Sudan also pointed to the need to reduce the impact of the isolation measures on the most vulnerable people. “The many Sudanese working in the informal sector do not have the luxury to stay at home, as they need to secure their food each day,” the party said in a press statement.


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This digest is an excerpt from the weekly Sudan News Update. Subscribe here to receive the newsletter directly in your inbox.

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