♦ Sudan: This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact digest of the past week’s most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan.

Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan (Sudan Armed Forces)

A compact digest of the past week's most-read highlights, from the heart of Sudan. Subscribe to receive this digest weekly in your inbox.

Mainstream FFC reports 'wide resistance' to impunity for Sudan's military junta

November 2 – 2022 KHARTOUM Amid rumours of an agreement between the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the military junta over Sudan’s transition from dictatorship, coalition spokespeople have reported strong resistance to any form of impunity for the country’s military, paramilitary, security, and police forces.

FFC member Professor Siddig Tawir said that the number of FFC members that are in favour of an agreement with the military junta is limited. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, Tawir said that the only way the coalition sees a possibility for reaching an agreement is if they guarantee continued impunity for the military, paramilitary, security, and police forces. He said that the FFC’s common vision “does not include any guarantees of impunity and rejects any presence of the military in power structures, politics, and transitional arrangements”.

Sudan Lawyers: 'Slain protester shot in head then run over'

October 27 – 2022 KHARTOUM The Sudanese Emergency Lawyers stated that the autopsy report following the death of protester Gasim Abdelwahab (19) on Tuesday’s March of the Millions proves that he was killed by gunshot wounds to the head and chest and that Abdelwahab’s body was run over by a military vehicle. Samir Sheikh Idris, a member of the Emergency Lawyers, told Radio Dabanga that car tire track marks found on his chest.

The Emergency Lawyers also monitored other widespread violations against peaceful demonstrators during the March of the Millions, which marked the anniversary of the coup d’état of October 25, 2021. According to their records, over 100 protesters were injured and taken to hospitals in Khartoum. At least 47 people were detained at the capital's Northern Police Station.

El Burhan speech to Sudan military dubbed 'political posturing'
November 8 – 2022 KHARTOUM Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Commander of the Sudan Armed Forces, and leader of the 2021 coup d’état, Abdelfattah El Burhan, confirmed that meetings about a new political framework for the country are being held, provoking strong reactions.
COP27: 'Agroecology most efficient way to adapt to climate change' in Africa
November 7 – 2022 SHARM EL SHEIKH “Sustainable, locally driven agriculture solutions to address the climate crisis” are being called for by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) as day two of the COP27 climate summit kicks off in Egypt.
Sudan Transparency and Policy Tracker: How mercury is poisoning a nation
November 5 – 2022 KHARTOUM / RIVER NILE STATE A new briefing on mercury is poisoning for the Sudan Transparency and Policy Tracker points out that “years of indiscriminate use of dangerous chemicals such as mercury, cyanide, and thiourea without protective measures for miners or local populations has exposed millions of citizens across Sudan to lethal risks”.
Nile in mortal danger, Sudan's food security at stake
November 4 – 2022 NILE VALLEY / ALTY, EL GEZIRA "Climate change, pollution, and exploitation by man are putting existential pressure on the world's second longest river," the Nile, AFP writes in a report published not long before the start of the COP27 climate summit in Egypt. Sudan's food and energy security, and that of its neighbours, are under severe threat.
Sudanese rebel movements and opposition parties form new alliance
November 4 – 2022 KHARTOUM A number of Sudanese former rebel movements and political parties announced the formation of a new political alliance called the Forces for Freedom and Change-Democratic Block (FFC-DB), proposing some changes to the Constitutional Document.
Sudan timeline: July – September 2022: Junta continues to repress resistance as Pound founders and hunger grows
November 3 – 2022 DABANGA SUDAN While the leaders of the ruling military junta in Sudan pledge that the military will withdraw from the political arena once a new civilian-led government has been formed, popular resistance demonstrations continue unabated, facing brutal repression.
Pipeline sabotage in Kordofan shuts Sudan oil refinery
November 1 – 2022 KHARTOUM / KHARASANA A major section of the Khartoum Petroleum Refinery that processes Nile Blend crude oil has been shut down after sabotage to the pipeline in Keilak, West Kordofan. The closure has prompted fears of technical damage to the infrastructure, environmental risks, and is expected to impact the supply of fuel and cooking gas in Sudan.
350 Darfuris illegally detained in prisons throughout Sudan
November 1 – 2022 KHARTOUM / EL FASHER The Darfur Bar Association (DBA) announced that 350 Darfuris are illegally detained in prisons throughout Sudan, including 12 minors. All were detained without any legal justification, mostly by infamous the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Residents protest mining company activities in Sudan's River Nile state
October 31 – 2022 EL FIDA A sit-in in Abu Hamad, River Nile state, to demand the expulsion of mining companies from the area of El Fida, continued for the sixth day in a row.
Immunity from prosecution point of contention in Sudan's FFC-military agreement dialogue
October 28 – 2022 KHARTOUM The most prominent points of contention between the mainstream Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC-CC) and the military junta are the military's request for guarantees of immunity from prosecution for abuses, says the National Umma Party.
Economists blame military junta for Sudan's economic woes
October 28 – 2022 KHARTOUM The October 25, 2021, military coup and the close relationships between military companies and Sudanese businessmen are the root causes of Sudan's current economic crisis, two economic experts explained in an interview with Radio Dabanga.

