Sudan security denies Unamid, USAID access to Zamzam camp

Security agents have prevented representatives of Unamid and USAID from entering Zamzam camp for the displaced in El Fasher locality, North Darfur.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a camp elder said that Unamid officers were stopped by the security when they wanted to visit the camp on Monday. “They would meet with the camp administration to discuss the deteriorating security situation,” he explained.
“The next morning, they denied access to USAid representatives, who were going to meet with the camp administration and the health, education, and water committee, for an assessment of the current humanitarian situation, and the planning of their interventions for 2015.”

Security agents have prevented representatives of Unamid and USAID from entering Zamzam camp for the displaced in El Fasher locality, North Darfur.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a camp elder said that Unamid officers were stopped by the security when they wanted to visit the camp on Monday. “They would meet with the camp administration to discuss the deteriorating security situation,” he explained.

“The next morning, they denied access to USAid representatives, who were going to meet with the camp administration and the health, education, and water committee, for an assessment of the current humanitarian situation, and the planning of their interventions for 2015.”

 “The real problem is that the government is beating its war drums continuously”

Responding to recent announcements by the Sudanese authorities that Sudan does not need international aid, the Zamzam camp elder stressed that this is “unbelievable”.

“It is the government that is responsible for the rampant insecurity and the vast displacement in the region. The authorities have never provided us with the slightest humanitarian aid, such as food, clean drinking water, or medicines. They say they will support us, while at the same time they prevent organisations to provide relief.”

The camp elder said that “the real problem is that the government is beating its war drums continuously”. “During the past weeks, large groups of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, commanded by the security apparatus, arrived in the neighbourhood. They are stationed in Tawila, Kutum, and Kabkabiya localities.”

“We all expect renewed mass displacements in the near future, so even more people will be forced to survive on humanitarian aid.” He urged the Sudanese government to grant international aid organisations access to the Darfur displaced.

