Sudan security confiscates newspaper, gags columnist

The security services in Khartoum confiscated the print run of El Yowm El Tali daily newspaper on Tuesday. A columnist was banned from publishing on Wednesday. The entire print run of El Yowm El Tali newspaper was confiscated on Tuesday morning. Reasons were not given. On Sunday and Monday, journalist Nazik El Shammam of El Yowm El Tali newspaper had been summoned to the security offices. Columnist at El Saiha newspaper, Mohamed Abdel Majid, was indefinitely banned from writing on Wednesday. He had been prohibited to work for El Ahram El Yowm daily newspaper eight months before. File photo: A woman reads a newspaper at a kiosk in Khartoum (dc4mf) Related:Print runs of seven newspapers confiscated this week in Sudan (5 March 2014)Newspaper confiscated by Sudan security; draft new press law ‘catastrophic’ (26 February 2014) Sudan’s press freedom worst for third year running (12 February 2014) Print runs of three Sudanese newspapers confiscated (4 February 2014) Sudanese Security gags newspaper (28 January 2014)

The security services in Khartoum confiscated the print run of El Yowm El Tali daily newspaper on Tuesday. A columnist was banned from publishing on Wednesday.

The entire print run of El Yowm El Tali newspaper was confiscated on Tuesday morning. Reasons were not given. On Sunday and Monday, journalist Nazik El Shammam of El Yowm El Tali newspaper had been summoned to the security offices.

Columnist at El Saiha newspaper, Mohamed Abdel Majid, was indefinitely banned from writing on Wednesday. He had been prohibited to work for El Ahram El Yowm daily newspaper eight months before.

File photo: A woman reads a newspaper at a kiosk in Khartoum (dc4mf)


Print runs of seven newspapers confiscated this week in Sudan (5 March 2014)

Newspaper confiscated by Sudan security; draft new press law ‘catastrophic’ (26 February 2014)

Sudan’s press freedom worst for third year running (12 February 2014)

Print runs of three Sudanese newspapers confiscated (4 February 2014)

Sudanese Security gags newspaper (28 January 2014)

