Sudan’s National Concensus Forces meet EU ambassadors

Representatives of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) met with a ambassadors and deputies of the European Union in Khartoum on Tuesday. The NCF had invited delegates to talk about EU statements to improve the situation in Sudan.

Delegation of EU ambassadors and deputy-ambassadors to Sudan in Abyei on April 18, 2018 (RD)

Representatives of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) met with a ambassadors and deputies of the European Union in Khartoum on Tuesday. The NCF had invited delegates to talk about EU statements to improve the situation in Sudan.

Siddig Yousef, a leader of the NCF (a coalition of opposition parties) told Radio Dabanga that the meeting was made at their request, following statements by the head of the European Union mission to improve the situation in the country.

Yousef: “We stressed that the line of the NCF is to overthrow the regime and refrain from having any dialogue with it, in any form. We also reject the drafting of any constitution in the presence of the regime. A constitution should be agreed upon in the presence of a transitional authority.”

The Ncf also renewed its refusal to participate in any elections. “The NCF has submitted a memorandum to the EU mission in Sudan.” The NCF will also boycott any electoral process and will not participate in the 2020 or any other presidential elections.

An excerpt of this memorandum which the NCF extended to Radio Dabanga today reads that the alliance will not accept any kind of dialogue with Khartoum.

“This kind of governance […] resulted in turn into a total collapse of the banking system and, economically the regime had deliberately destroyed all the public utilities, and agricultural, industrial, educational, and medical sectors, besides dismantling what was once the best civil service in the region and one of Sudan’s best agricultural schemes in El Gezira.

“All of the above, with the addition to the massive corruption in the state, has lead to an increased suffering of the people due to very low value of our national currency, and very high prices of all necessary commodities, and the absence of fair health care policy against very low incomes and minimum wages.”

On April 18 the Ambassadors of the European Union, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway and the Special Envoy of Norway to Sudan and South Sudan concluded a two day visit to Abyei, the still contested area between Sudan and South Sudan.

