Sudan’s El Gedaref farmers warn: Farming season at risk

Farmers in El Gedaref state issued warnings about major threats to the agricultural season. A number of them have offered their land for rent as a result.

Flooded farmland in El Gedaref in September 2017 (RD)

Farmers in El Gedaref state issued warnings about major threats to the agricultural season. A number of them have offered their land for rent as a result.

Farmer Mustafa El Sayed Khalil pointed out to Radio Dabanga that there are high production costs, as prices of goods, machinery and production inputs have risen in an unprecedented manner.

Farmers from northern El Gedaref reported a late distribution of fuel and warned of the failure of the agricultural season as a result.

In northern Sudan, sorghum prices in the northern provinces of Kassala state have risen to unprecedented levels over the past two days. Residents of northern localities said that the price of sorghum has risen by 50 per cent during this period. The price of a sack of sorghum has risen by 50 per cent, they reported.

“The large increase in sorghum prices would have serious effects on our daily lives, as we are fully dependent on it,” a resident in Kassala said.

The fuel crisis that has affected many walks of life. A month ago, farmers of El Gezira and El Managil Agricultural Scheme warned for “famine in the country”, as they doubt the upcoming farming season will bring about any yields.

Also public transport and transportation of goods have become difficult, and a number of drinking water pumps that work on fuel have reportedly stalled in various parts of Sudan.

