‘Sudan received $1 bn in deposits from Saudi Arabia’: official

The Central Bank of Sudan received a total of $1 billion from Saudi Arabia in July and August, Gulf Business reported today.
Abdelrahman Dirar, State Minister of Finance, told the press in Khartoum this morning that the Central Bank of Sudan received an investment deposit from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of $500 million in July, and the second part this month.
Gulf Business said that there was no immediate comment from Saudi Arabia.
In March, Sudan joined Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen by sending aircraft. Analysts said at the time that Sudan’s involvement in Yemen showed a shift of allegiances toward the Gulf Arab countries, which could bring economic rewards.
Since the Saudi-led military operation in Yemen began, El Riyadh has pledged fresh investments in Sudan’s agricultural sector. According to Khartoum, the economic assistance is not linked to its support for the military campaign.

The Central Bank of Sudan received a total of $1 billion from Saudi Arabia in July and August, Gulf Business reported today.

Abdelrahman Dirar, State Minister of Finance, told the press in Khartoum this morning that the Central Bank of Sudan received an investment deposit from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of $500 million in July, and the second part this month.

Gulf Business said that there was no immediate comment from Saudi Arabia.

In March, Sudan joined Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against the Houthi rebels in Yemen by sending aircraft.

Analysts said at the time that Sudan’s involvement in Yemen showed a shift of allegiances toward the Gulf Arab countries, which could bring economic rewards.

Since the Saudi-led military operation in Yemen began, El Riyadh has pledged fresh investments in Sudan’s agricultural sector. According to Khartoum, the economic assistance is not linked to its support for the military campaign.


