Sudan PM Hamdok ‘safe and well’ after motorcade ‘terror attack’

Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok is reportedly ‘in good health and in a safe place’ after his motorcade was attacked with an explosive device in the capital at 9 am this morning.

Cars reportedly destroyed in an attack on the motorcade of Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok in Khartoum North this morning (SUNA)

Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok is reportedly ‘in good health and in a safe place’ after his motorcade was attacked with an explosive device in the capital at 9 am this morning.

The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reports that the motorcade of the PM was ‘subjected to an explosion attempt at the entrance of Kober Bridge in Khartoum Bahri (North), as Hamdok made his way to his office in Khartoum.

SUNA says that the details of the attack are as yet unclear. There are also no reports of casualties thus far however pictures of cars mangled in the attack attest to a considerable blast.

A SUNA statement late morning confirmed PM Hamdok is performing his duties as usual, confirming that a number of vehicles were damaged by the explosion but” it is still not clear if there were victims or people injured in the explosion”.

The government official spokesman described the attempt on the life of Dr Abdallah Hamdouk, Prime Minister, as “a terrorist attack”.

In a brief statement via SUNA this afternoon, Minister of Culture and Information, Feisal Mohamed Saleh confirmed that the PM’s convoy was targeted by a “terrorist explosion” and “fire was opened against the convoy” near the Kober Bridge while on the way to the Head Office of the Council of Ministers in Khartoum.

“The Prime Minister himself came out unhurt, the guards of the convoy were also unhurt, save one member of the motorcade who sustained a minor injury on the shoulder as his motorcycle overturned.”

Minister Saleh added that “the PM is currently in his office conducting his business as usual”.

He said security authorities have started an investigation into the attempt and those behind it.

“We are aware that there are persons who target the Sudanese people’s revolution and its gains; those gains were achieved as a result of struggle and sacrifices. However, we would also like to underline that the resolve of the people will prevail. The unity of the forces for change is the sole guarantee for the continuation of the revolution. This resolve will frustrate any set back attempts” the statement stressed.

“The Sudanese people are heading for a new dawn and are capable of defending it by all means and shall promptly deal with any terrorist and sabotage attempts trying to frustrate their march and their resolve to dismantle all pillars of the defunct regime”.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok after the assassination attempt (Social media)


On his Twitter feed following the attack, Hamdok said: "I would like to assure the people of Sudan that I am safe and in good shape. Rest assured that what happened today will not stand in the way of our transition, instead it is an additional push to the wheel of change in Sudan."

Also on social media, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Joseph Burrell Fontelles, who recently completed a visit to Sudan, Tweeted: "I was shocked to hear about the assassination attempt against PM Abdullah Hamdok. The European Union will continue to stand with Sudan to support the transition process. There is no possible step backward: the ideals of the revolution must be preserved."

The US Embassy in Khartoum stated that it “is shocked and saddened at the attack on Prime Minister Hamdok’s convoy. Our sincere condolences to the victims. We continue to support Sudan’s civilian led transitional government and stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people.”

Radio Dabanga will continue to carry updates as more details are received.

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