Sudan govt. forces control commercial life in Blue Nile state

Security forces in Blue Nile state have reportedly taken full control over the trade in Geisan locality.

A listener reported to Radio Dabanga from Geisan town that army forces and paramilitaries operating near the border with Ethiopia are imposing large fees on commercial vehicles entering the country.

“The goverment troops were stationed near the border according to the state’s emergency measures since war broke out again in 2011,” he said. “They are imposing huge fees on vehicles in the area, and on lorries coming from Ethiopia.”

He also said that they have also halted public transportation to the mines in the locality. “The miners use cars as well as bicycles and horses or donkeys. Government forces demand large amounts for transport in their military vehicles.”

Geisan locality in Blue Nile state (OCHA maps)

Security forces in Blue Nile state have reportedly taken full control over the trade in Geisan locality.

A listener reported to Radio Dabanga from Geisan town that army forces and paramilitaries operating near the border with Ethiopia are imposing large fees on commercial vehicles entering the country.

“The goverment troops were stationed near the border according to the state’s emergency measures since war broke out again in 2011,” he said. “They are imposing huge fees on vehicles in the area, and on lorries coming from Ethiopia.”

He also said that they have also halted public transportation to the mines in the locality. “The miners use cars as well as bicycles and horses or donkeys. Government forces demand large amounts for transport in their military vehicles.”

Fuel crisis

A resident of Ed Damazin, capital of Blue Nile state, reported that members of the Military Intelligence are preventing local traders from obtaining fuel from Ethiopia, “despite its much lower prices than here in Blue Nile state.”

He complained about the scarcity of fuel in the region. “What makes it worse is that the distribution of fuel is controlled by agents of the Economic Security Services.

“The lack of fuel is causing a severe transportation crisis in the region,” he said. “The price of four gallons (16 litres) of diesel, which is hardly available, has risen to SDG 180 ($ 6,40*). The price of hiring a rickshaw in El Damazin has risen from SDG 10 to SDG 20.”

