Sudan expels UN Population Fund head

The Sudanese authorities have requested the head of the UN Population Fund in Sudan, Pamela DeLargy, to leave the country, accusing her of violating Sudanese laws and interfering in the domestic affairs of the country, in a manner that does not comply with her position as a UN official.  In a statement to the Sudan News Agency (Suna) today, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Abu Bakr El Siddig, said that the Sudanese government has informed the UN Representative to Sudan that this move was not against the Population Fund itself, and that Sudan is keen to continue its cooperation with the Fund. Ambassador El Siddiq said that the government informed the UN Representative that Sudan is ready to receive a replacement for DeLargy and to cooperate with him or her within the framework of the Sudanese laws and the agreements between Sudan and the UN agencies. File photo: Newly displaced at Zamzam camp in North Darfur, 3 April 2014 (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The Sudanese authorities have requested the head of the UN Population Fund in Sudan, Pamela DeLargy, to leave the country, accusing her of violating Sudanese laws and interfering in the domestic affairs of the country, in a manner that does not comply with her position as a UN official. 

In a statement to the Sudan News Agency (Suna) today, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Abu Bakr El Siddig, said that the Sudanese government has informed the UN Representative to Sudan that this move was not against the Population Fund itself, and that Sudan is keen to continue its cooperation with the Fund.

Ambassador El Siddiq said that the government informed the UN Representative that Sudan is ready to receive a replacement for DeLargy and to cooperate with him or her within the framework of the Sudanese laws and the agreements between Sudan and the UN agencies.

File photo: Newly displaced at Zamzam camp in North Darfur, 3 April 2014 (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

