‘Sudan does not accept new peace accords’: Al Bashir

According to the Sudanese President, the AU-UN peacekeeping mission definitely has to leave Darfur. He welcomed the announcement by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that further investigations on the Darfur case will be suspended. President Omar Al Bashir also reiterated his pledge to make an end to the insurgency in the country, and stressed that his government does not accept any new peace agreements. Addressing a gathering of farmers from El Gezira and El Managil agricultural schemes at the Friendship Hall in Sudan’s capital on Saturday, Al Bashir thanked the Sudanese people, “who reject any humiliation and subjugation”, for contributing to the decision by the ICC prosecutor to suspend further investigations on the Darfur case. “We have overcome the ICC.” The president stated that the Sudan Armed Forces have protected the Unamid peacekeepers during their presence in Darfur, telling Unamid: “Blessed be those who make their visit short, and are prepared to leave”. Al Bashir furthermore stressed that in the coming dry season offensive, the “rebels will be entirely eliminated”. He warned opposition parties and civil society activists, cooperating with the rebel Sudan Revolutionary Front, these “hirelings and mercenaries” for the same fate. “These affiliates of the rebel front should remain with the insurgents in South Kordofan and Darfur, where they will have to face the Sudanese army”. “The Sudanese government is seeking to realise peace in the country, but without reopening any new file, nor engage in new agreements. Those who seek peace in Darfur are welcome, provided that the sign the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.” Regarding the Two Areas, the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, the president stated the government is “committed to go ahead with completing the procedures, stipulated in the Two Areas Protocol of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. File photo: President Omar Al Bashir and Defence minister Abdelrahim Hussein Related: ICC prosecutor shelves Darfur case for lack of UN support (12 December 2014)  UN commissioner worried over health of detained Sudanese politicians (12 December 2014) ‘Sudan to crush rebellion in next dry season campaign’: Defence, security (11 December 2014)Sudan ‘fully prepared’ to counter Security Council over Unamid (11 December 2014)

According to the Sudanese President, the AU-UN peacekeeping mission definitely has to leave Darfur. He welcomed the announcement by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that further investigations on the Darfur case will be suspended. President Omar Al Bashir also reiterated his pledge to make an end to the insurgency in the country, and stressed that his government does not accept any new peace agreements.

Addressing a gathering of farmers from El Gezira and El Managil agricultural schemes at the Friendship Hall in Sudan’s capital on Saturday, Al Bashir thanked the Sudanese people, “who reject any humiliation and subjugation”, for contributing to the decision by the ICC prosecutor to suspend further investigations on the Darfur case. “We have overcome the ICC.”

The president stated that the Sudan Armed Forces have protected the Unamid peacekeepers during their presence in Darfur, telling Unamid: “Blessed be those who make their visit short, and are prepared to leave”.

Al Bashir furthermore stressed that in the coming dry season offensive, the “rebels will be entirely eliminated”. He warned opposition parties and civil society activists, cooperating with the rebel Sudan Revolutionary Front, these “hirelings and mercenaries” for the same fate. “These affiliates of the rebel front should remain with the insurgents in South Kordofan and Darfur, where they will have to face the Sudanese army”.

“The Sudanese government is seeking to realise peace in the country, but without reopening any new file, nor engage in new agreements. Those who seek peace in Darfur are welcome, provided that the sign the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.”

Regarding the Two Areas, the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, the president stated the government is “committed to go ahead with completing the procedures, stipulated in the Two Areas Protocol of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

File photo: President Omar Al Bashir and Defence minister Abdelrahim Hussein


ICC prosecutor shelves Darfur case for lack of UN support (12 December 2014) 

UN commissioner worried over health of detained Sudanese politicians (12 December 2014)

‘Sudan to crush rebellion in next dry season campaign’: Defence, security (11 December 2014)

Sudan ‘fully prepared’ to counter Security Council over Unamid (11 December 2014)



