Sudan doctors: 83 eye injuries, 14 cases of eye loss since coup

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) announced 83 cases of eye injury, including 14 cases of eye removal and permanent vison loss since the October 25 military coup.

Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (Social Media: @SD_DOCTORS)

The Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors (CCSD) announced 83 cases of eye injury, including 14 cases of eye removal and permanent vison loss since the October 25 military coup.

The CCSD attributed most of these injuries to the coup force’s use of tear gas cannisters against protestors, as the leading cause of eye injuries.

In their report, the CCSD stated, “the eye injuries we observed consisted in complete destruction of the eyeball”. The report went on to say that this led “to all eye chambers being affected by the injury”, increasing the chances of permanent vison loss.

Since the October 25 military coup, the current death toll stands at 94 following the death of the protestor, Al Tayeb Abdelwahab (19), on the 6 April anniversary protests.



