SPLM: Illegal Russian weapons arrive in Port Sudan

Claims come in the backdrop of unconfirmed reports that a ‘holy’ war is imminent in the Nuba mountains

Claims come in the backdrop of unconfirmed reports that a ‘holy’ war is imminent in the Nuba mountains

A shipment of illegal weapons from Russia arrived at Port Sudan on Friday according to unconfirmed information received by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (south division).

Qamar Dahlman, spokesperson of the SPLM’s (south division) president in South Kordofan, told Radio Dabanga that the imported weapons are extremely brutal and forbidden under international law.

The arms, according to Dahlman, have been transported to Khartoum but will be used in the Nuba mountains. The Nuba mountains have been a site of violent conflict between the Nuba people of South Kordofan and the Sudanese government forces since 1987.

Battle of Badr

Dahlman’s claims come in the backdrop of unconfirmed reports that a holy war is imminent in South Kordofan. This holy war has been referred to by the Sudanese government as the Battle of Badr, a key war in Islamic history that Prophet Mohammed fought against non-believers and which took place in the month of Ramadan.

According to Dahlman, reference to the Battle of Badr is a pretext used by the regime to exercise extreme force. However, the spokesperson warned that the SPLM was well-prepared for any attack.

Influx of mercenaries

Dahlman also disclosed that there has been a simultaneous influx of mercenaries from Niger and Somalia in Alobaye, capital of North Kordofan. These mercenaries are expected to gather in Shikan, east of Alobaye, where they will join the local militias.

