South Kordofani denounce militia raids

Following a protest against a militia attack in El Abbasiya last Friday, a group of South Kordofani have issues a statement condeming the massacre that was reportedly carried out by Sudanese militia members.

Following a protest against a militia attack in El Abbasiya last Friday, a group of South Kordofani have issues a statement condeming the massacre that was reportedly carried out by Sudanese militia members.

People of El Abbassiya Tageli in Khartoum and the Sudanese Congress Party have condemned the attack in two villages in El Abbassiya, in which eight people were killed and 16 others were injured.

In their statement they accused members of the Popular Defence Forces (PDF), with the support of Sudan Armed Forces, of carrying out the attack.

They further accused the government of South Kordofan, the Commissioner of El Abbassiya, and the security and judicial organs of covering up the incident and protecting the perpetrators.

'The security service has denied that the families of the victims filed a complaint, and has not arrested the perpetrators,' the statement reads.

The commissioner of El Abbasiya stated that the attack was carried out by a group of outlaws, and not PDF members. Radio Dabanga received reports that a group of PDF troops in two Land Cruisers, and others on motorcycles, raided El Senadera and El Shawaya at 7am on Friday, and shot villagers.

A sit-in against the recent violence was held in front of the El Abbasiya hospital since Friday.

In Khartoum, the Sudanese Congress Party has strongly condemned the massacre and also held the government responsible in a press statement. 'The party is shocked by the death of the sons and daughters […] and calls for an impartial and transparent investigation into the incident.'

