South Darfur students coached in peaceful resistance after Nyala violence

Yesterday morning, delegations from the resistance committees in Nyala, the teachers committee, and other revolutionary forces were deployed in all schools of the city to educate students about the current situation and how to demonstrate peacefully.

Mass protest against shootings in Gireida last week (RD correspondent)

Yesterday morning, delegations from the resistance committees in Nyala, the teachers committee, and other revolutionary forces were deployed in all schools of the city to educate students about the current situation and how to demonstrate peacefully.

On Wednesday, the city witnessed mass demonstrations during which the demonstrators stormed the governor’s house during a meeting between the interior and federal government ministers, the deputy director-general of the police force and the head of Sudan’s customs authority with tribal leaders in the state.

Maj General Hashim Khalid, the acting governor of South Darfur, described what happened as “acts of sabotage by the demonstrators who smashed the southern fence of the guest house, broke into a number of rooms, doors, and air conditioners, and smashed windows of a number of vehicles.

He explained that the bread shortage has to do with the lack of flour in the state, pointing out that it is not sufficient to supply all 508 bakeries in Nyala.

Interior Minister Lt Gen El Tereifi Dafallah, head of the transitional government delegation to Nyala, promised in a press statement to increase the state’s share of flour, support the police with additional force, provide a number of vehicles to secure and protect the agricultural season and prevent friction between the herders and the farmers. He also pledged to solve the problem of ‘boko haram’ vehicles by directing the National Customs Administration to issue a decision to open customs to legalise them, tackle the fight against drugs and resolve the security chaos.

Dr Yousef Adam El Dei, Minister of the Federal Government said that the delegation held long meetings with the State Security Committee and the mechanism of the distribution of flour and hydrocarbons in the state in addition to meeting with the Forces for Freedom and Change and native administrations, enumerating the goals that the revolution seeks to achieve and called the state community to unity and renouncing tribalism and conflicts.

The students and residents of Tullus in South Darfur organised a demonstration demanding the release of 18 of the leaders of the area who have been arrested on suspicion of attacking and pillaging people in Gereida last week.

The demonstrators chanted slogans condemning the statements of the acting state governor of the events of Gireida, demanding his dismissal.

The governor of South Darfur has denied his connection with the arrest, saying that it came on the basis of complaints filed against them accused of involvement in last week’s incidents, in which a woman, a child and an officer in the armed forces were killed.

The acting state governors have demanded to be relieved and the selection of civilian governors of the states. They pointed out that the constitutional vacuum in the states was not in their favour.

They stressed during their meeting held yesterday at the Federal Government Court headed by Dr Yousef Adam El Dei, Minister of Federal Government, that it is time to choose the governors of states from civilians after the formation of the transitional government.

The governors unanimously confirmed their decision that their mandate cast a shadow over their military bases and that the mandate was long, demanding the Federal Government, the Cabinet and the Sovereign Council to issue an relieve decision in order for these acting commanders to return to their military bases.

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