Seven thousand dispaced in Jebel Marra, West-Darfur

UNAMID said there are more than seven thousand displaced due to clases in West Jebel Marra between government troops and the Sudan Liberation Movement of Abdel Wahid (SLM-AW). The people fled to Nierteti, Golo and Tour in West Darfur.

UNAMID said there are more than seven thousand displaced due to clases in West Jebel Marra between government troops and the Sudan Liberation Movement of Abdel Wahid (SLM-AW). The people fled to Nierteti, Golo and Tour in West Darfur. Areal bombardments in west Jebel Marra has left hundreds civilians displaced and the destruction of villages Timu, Bomboge, Sara Woumly, Allu, Tire, Diberna and the market of Deribat. The representative of humanitarian affairs of SLM-AW Assadiq Rokero told Radio Dabanga that the residents of the mentioned villages have fled the area to Jawa, Sonni and Lobi. A 17 year female student told Radio Dabanga that she managed to escape Deribat after her school was bombed on Wednesday.

