Seven arrests in Ponzi case in Darfur as victims appeal for speedy justice

The Minister of Justice announced seven arrests of primary suspects in the case of Mawasir Market. The minister, Mohamed Bushara Dosa, revealed that the seven suspects were the general managers, directors of sales centers and brokers. They have been sent to prison.

The Minister of Justice announced seven arrests of primary suspects in the case of Mawasir Market. The minister, Mohamed Bushara Dosa, revealed that the seven suspects were the general managers, directors of sales centers and brokers. They have been sent to prison.Mawasir Market was a pyramid-style “Ponzi” scheme based in El Fasher, North Darfur’s largest town. It collapsed before the April elections this year. The scheme involved agents buying goods or taking investments but providing cheques rather than cash as payment, which were supposed to be redeemable later. Popular anger about the scam was further stoked by suspicions that ruling party officials were involved. When victims protested in El Fasher, at least nine died in a violent crackdown on 2 May 2010.

The justice minister also disclosed that the amount of money seized by authorities is not yet commensurate with the amount of claims. According to a victims’ committee, the total claims reach at least 82 billion old Sudanese pounds (US$35 million). Minister Dosa revealed that the authorities have detained 250 vehicle and 115 properties. For their part, victims of the scam in El Fasher appealed to the justice minister to speed up the judicial proceedings so that the victims can receive their reparation. One of the victims said in an interview that the events of Mawasir Market have resulted in poverty and destitution for many. He said that they won’t be able to afford supplies for Ramadan unless they regain money lost in the market.


