Security forces assault Koran scholar and activist in Central Darfur

Security forces assaulted Koran scholar and activist, sheikh Matar Younis Ali Hussein, in the stadium of Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, on Sunday. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, witnesses reported that the security forces beat up sheikh Matar Younis Ali Hussein, while he was attending a youth activity at the stadium of Zalingei on Sunday morning. The sheikh is Koran scholar at the Great Mosque of Zalingei, and chairperson of the Young Rebels for Freedom and Democracy. According to the witnesses, the security men wanted to arrest the sheikh. They kicked him, threw him down, and trampled on him with their boots until his garment was torn up. This happened in front of the Central Darfur State Governor, Yousif Tibin, the head of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Dr Tijani Sese, and the director of the security forces, who were also attending the youth activity. The sources noted that the audience reacted to the attack on the sheikh by chanting slogans such as “The people want to topple the regime”, and “Down, down withTijani Sese” and “Blood on the hands of the security apparatus”. The sheikh himself told Radio Dabanga “that a group of 30 to 40 security forces troops surrounded me, threw me on the ground and tore my jallabiyah when I attended a youth activity at the stadium of Zalingei on Sunday morning. He described how citizens thwarted the security forces’ attempt to arrest him by chanting slogans against them and the authorities. “This forced them, as well as the Governor and the DRA head to leave the stadium. The exact reason for the intended arrest of the sheikh is unknown. File photo: Grand Mosque of Khartoum (adroub.blogspot)

Security forces assaulted Koran scholar and activist, sheikh Matar Younis Ali Hussein, in the stadium of Zalingei, the capital of Central Darfur, on Sunday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, witnesses reported that the security forces beat up sheikh Matar Younis Ali Hussein, while he was attending a youth activity at the stadium of Zalingei on Sunday morning. The sheikh is Koran scholar at the Great Mosque of Zalingei, and chairperson of the Young Rebels for Freedom and Democracy.

According to the witnesses, the security men wanted to arrest the sheikh. They kicked him, threw him down, and trampled on him with their boots until his garment was torn up. This happened in front of the Central Darfur State Governor, Yousif Tibin, the head of the Darfur Regional Authority (DRA), Dr Tijani Sese, and the director of the security forces, who were also attending the youth activity.

The sources noted that the audience reacted to the attack on the sheikh by chanting slogans such as “The people want to topple the regime”, and “Down, down withTijani Sese” and “Blood on the hands of the security apparatus”.

The sheikh himself told Radio Dabanga “that a group of 30 to 40 security forces troops surrounded me, threw me on the ground and tore my jallabiyah when I attended a youth activity at the stadium of Zalingei on Sunday morning. He described how citizens thwarted the security forces’ attempt to arrest him by chanting slogans against them and the authorities. “This forced them, as well as the Governor and the DRA head to leave the stadium.

The exact reason for the intended arrest of the sheikh is unknown.

File photo: Grand Mosque of Khartoum (adroub.blogspot)


