Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, and UK ‘stand with the people of Sudan’

The ‘QUAD’ for Sudan, namely Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, and the United Kingdom, issued a joint statement today to affirm their countries’ stance with the people of Sudan and emphasise the importance of supporting their aspirations for a democratic and peaceful nation. They join a chorus of international support for restoration of the transitional government.

Marches of the Millions in Khartoum on October 30 (Social media)

The ‘QUAD’ for Sudan, namely Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, and the United Kingdom, issued a joint statement today to affirm their countries’ stance with the people of Sudan and emphasise the importance of supporting their aspirations for a democratic and peaceful nation. They join a chorus of international support for restoration of the transitional government.

“The protests of October 30 demonstrated the depth of the Sudanese people’s commitment to advancing their country’s transition, and we remain committed to helping them achieve these aspirations,” the joint statement reads.

We endorse the international community’s serious concern with the situation in Sudan. We call for the full and immediate restoration of its civilian-led transitional government and institutions. We call upon all parties to strive for cooperation and unity in reaching this critical objective. In that vein we encourage the release of all those detained in connection with recent events and the lifting of the state of emergency. Violence has no place in the new Sudan, on this point we encourage an effective dialogue between all parties, and we urge all to ensure that the peace and security for the people of Sudan is a top priority.

The QUAD members also stress the importance of the commitment to the Constitutional Document and the Juba Peace Agreement as the foundation for further dialogue about how to restore and uphold a genuine civil-military partnership for the remainder of the transitional period, pending elections. “This will help ensure Sudan reaches political stability and economic recovery so that it is able to continue the transitional period with the support of Sudan’s friends and international partners,” today’s QUAD statement concludes.

