Saleh Gosh sacked after questioning powers Bashir

Political analyst and Islamic writer, Dr. Eltayeb Zain Al-abdeen, predicted that the differences within the National Congress Party would worsen after the sacking of Salah Gosh. Saleh Gosh was an advisor to president Al Bashir and said that Bashir’s statement about his desire for another term would open a door for dishonorable competition inside the party.

Political analyst and Islamic writer, Dr. Eltayeb Zain Al-abdeen, predicted that the differences within the National Congress Party would worsen after the sacking of Salah Gosh. Saleh Gosh was an advisor to president Al Bashir and said that Bashir’s statement about his desire for another term would open a door for dishonorable competition inside the party. Dr. Eltayeb also predicted that his role in security consultation which Gosh created for himself after being relieved of his duties in the security bureau would be cancelled due to the difference. He also did not exclude that Gosh would be relieved of leading the dialogue with Sudan People’s Liberation Movement on post-referendum arrangements. Dr. Eltayeb viewed Saleh Gosh as a choice not well made to lead a political dialogue, pointing out that his character is a proponent of torturing and killing.

