RSF disperse three more sit-ins in Sudan states

On Monday morning, in conjunction with the violent dispersal of the sit-in in front of the General Command in Khartoum, paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia simultaneously broke-up sit-ins in front of the army units in Ed Damazin, capital of Blue Nile state, El Nahud in West Kordofan, and Atbara in River Nile state.

Sudan uprising poster

On Monday morning, in conjunction with the violent dispersal of the sit-in in front of the General Command in Khartoum, paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia simultaneously broke-up sit-ins in front of the army units in Ed Damazin, capital of Blue Nile state, En Nahud in West Kordofan, and Atbara in River Nile state.

A protester was shot dead by militiamen during the raid on the sit-in in En Nahud in West Kordofan on Monday morning.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga from El Nahud that a joint army and RSF force cordoned-off the area of the sit-in, removed the tents, and detained lawyers Nour Hamid, Erwa Bashir, and Akram Abdelwahab,before releasing them at around noon.

Witnesses said that the movement then escalated into mass demonstrations, but the government troops confronted them with live bullets, wounding one of the protestors in his abdomen. The wounded man was then taken to El Nahud Hospital.

The Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) in West Kordofan condemned the massacre of the General Command and the sit-in by the Interim Military Council.

Mutasim El Dei told Radio Dabanga from the state capital El Fula that the sit-ins in El Fula, El Mujlad and Babanusa were not exposed to dismantling by the security services, except for the sit-in in El Nahud.

Ed Damazin

Abdelaziz Soreiba, leading member of the Alliance of Freedom and Change (AFC) in Blue Nile state, told Radio Dabanga from Ed Damazin that the RSF stormed the sit-in on Monday morning, seized and burned all the tents of the sit-in amid reports of arrests among the protestors.

He reported the outbreak of demonstrations in Ed Damazin condemning the massacre. On Tuesday, mass demonstrations broke out in Singa and Sennar in eastern Sudan, in protest against the attacks on the sit-in in Khartoum.

The demonstrators closed the main roads in both towns, as well as the Wad Madani-Sennar-Singa road.


Allahjabo Kadkar, leading member of the AFC in Singa said that the demonstrations started in various parts of the town after hearing the news of dismantling of the sit-in in the General Command in Khartoum on Monday morning,

He said demonstrators gathered and launched a huge march to the sit-in in front of the army unit in the town and clashed with RSF militiamen prompting the intervention of the acting governor.

He pointed out that the demonstrators shouted slogans denouncing the military junta and demanded that the town be evacuated from the RSF and carrying out civil disobedience since Monday, and not to negotiate with the acting governor unless the events of the General Command in Khartoum are investigated.

Mass demonstrations broke out in Sennar against the events of the command closing the town market and stopping the transportation.

“A joint force of army soldiers and RSF militiamen dispersed the protestors on Monday morning, which led to major demonstrations in all parts of the town,” Osama Ibrahim, an AFC leader in Sennar reported to this station.

He said that the roads in Sennar and the Wad Madani-Sennar road was completely blocked by the protestors.

El Obeid

Also in El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan, people expressed their anger and rejection of the dismantling of the sit-in of the military command in Khartoum yesterday and called for the immediate ousting of the TMC.

AFC leader Osman Hasan told Radio Dabanga that thousands of residents of El Obeid took part yesterday in mass demonstrations and blocked the main roads in the city to express their rejection of the Khartoum massacre.

He said there was widespread condemnation among the masses of the military junta and demanded that they immediately fall.


In Atbara in River Nile state, a joint force of army troops and RSF militiamen and army stormed the sit-in in front of the Atbara artillery in the early morning and forced the protestors to evacuate the field.

Badreldin Hasan, AFC leading member in Atbara, told Radio Dabanga that the people in the town came out in a mass demonstration and carried out a protest at the town’s market which was addressed by local leaders of the AFC condemning the attacks at sit-ins in Khartoum and other cities.

He pointed to the closure of all major roads in town and Atbara market, disruption of transport and completely paralysing the town by the masses.

The security forces of Atbara reportedly arrested a French journalist and transferred her to Khartoum on Sunday.

Hasan told Radio Dabanga that the journalist was doing a documentary on the town and its contribution to the Sudanese revolution. A security force arrested her and took her to its headquarters in Atbara and then moved her to Khartoum on Sunday.

Bread riots in Atbara in December 2018 were the spark in the keg of the Sudan uprising.


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