Rebel LJM and Sudan agree on agenda for talks

The mediation in Doha announced yesterday an agreement between the government and Liberation and Justice Movement on how to move forward with negotiations. The two sides agreed on the agenda submitted by the mediation. Representatives of international powers witnessed to the agreement, including the European Union, United States of America, France, neighboring countries, and the Arab League. LJM and the government agreed to form six committees, five of which will negotiate respectively over power-sharing, wealth-sharing, security arrangements, compensation, refugees and displaced persons. The sixth committee will be a supervisory committee that includes the heads of the two delegations.

The mediation in Doha announced yesterday an agreement between the government and Liberation and Justice Movement on how to move forward with negotiations. The two sides agreed on the agenda submitted by the mediation. Representatives of international powers witnessed to the agreement, including the European Union, United States of America, France, neighboring countries, and the Arab League. LJM and the government agreed to form six committees, five of which will negotiate respectively over power-sharing, wealth-sharing, security arrangements, compensation, refugees and displaced persons. The sixth committee will be a supervisory committee that includes the heads of the two delegations.The Doha peace talks are hosted by the government of the Gulf state of Qatar. The negotiations resumed on Sunday after a period suspension for the April elections. Further delays had been caused by the withdrawal of rebel chief Khalil Ibrahim. 

