Power outage protest quelled with tear gas in Port Sudan

Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd on Tuesday, demonstrators from the Korea district in Port Sudan closed the main road connecting the market to protest the severe water crisis and power outage of the city for more than a day.

Demonstrators from the Korea district in Port Sudan close the main road connecting the market to protest the severe water crisis and power outage of the city (RD)

Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd on Tuesday, demonstrators from the Korea district in Port Sudan closed the main road connecting the market to protest the severe water crisis and power outages in the city for more than a day.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that protesters set fire to tires and blocked the road with stones.

They said people gathered in the main road, carried banners and chanted demanding electricity and water.

They said the price of a joz of water in Port Sudan has risen to SDG 20 (*$0.70) while the price of a sheet of ice ranged from SDG 320 ($11.37) to SDG 400 ($14.20).

Witnesses said police dispersed the demonstrators by firing tear gas.

They said that the electricity supply was cut-off completely in all districts of the city for the second day despite the statements of the electricity corporation that the problem has been resolved.

* Based on the indicative US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan

