Power cuts, fuel shortage leave West Darfur capital in the dark

Residents and traders in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina complain that the city has been left in total darkness after sundown for the last five days, and there is also a severe drinking water shortage.

Fuel queues in Khartoum this year (File photo)

Residents and traders in the West Darfur capital of El Geneina complain that the city has been left in total darkness after sundown for the last five days, and there is also a severe drinking water shortage.

Callers from El Geneina cite the non-operation of a key electricity cable, as well chronic fuel shortages.

A number of residents told Radio Dabanga that the authorities have developed a programme for the distribution of electricity, dividing the town into nine districts, which had led to a state of discontent among the residents, especially traders and craftsmen who said their interests are harmed.

The residents explained that a barrel of water no costs SDG 80 ($1.70*).

Fuel queues in Khartoum

The fuel crisis has resurged at filling stations in Khartoum, which are seeing long queues to obtain diesel with relatively little petrol.

Pump owners have attributed the crisis to the reduction of the daily ration for the fuel stations.

In Abu Jubeiha in South Kordofan, the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) has resumed distribution of fuel through permits for pumps.

A vehicle owner reported to Radio Dabanga that the new measure has been in place for three days.

He added that the pumps only give the owners of vehicles fuel through these permit, especially diesel, and that they are not allowed to supply outside the fuel tanks.

Two days ago, the authorities announced the arrival of three shiploads of diesel in the harbour of Port Sudan.

* Based on the daily US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan

