Port Sudan protest against sale of residential district

Seven people were detained, and a man was injured in Port Sudan, during a demonstration against the sale to investors.
Hamed Idris, former member of the eastern Sudanese Red Sea state parliament, told Radio Dabanga that the police used batons and tear gas to disperse the demonstration.

Seven people were detained, and a man was injured in Port Sudan on monday, during a demonstration against the sale of their lands for investment purposes.

Hamed Idris, former member of the eastern Sudanese Red Sea state parliament, told Radio Dabanga that the police used batons and tear gas to disperse the demonstration.

“Hamed Abdallah was injured, and had to be transferred to the Port Sudan hospital,” he said. “Seven protesters were taken to El Sawra police station, where they were released on bail, after having been charged with disturbing the public order and obstructing police officers.”

“The trial, supposed to take place on Tuesday, was postponed to coming Sunday,” he added.

Residential area

Idris explained that the people protested against the Red Sea Ministry of Urban Planning’s decision to evict the people living in Wala district in the eastern part of Port Sudan.

“The people agreed to leave the district after the local authorities promised to compensate them for the loss of their homes and land rights. It was expected that the district would be cleared to develop a new residential area.

“They were shocked, however, when they found out that plots of the district had been sold to investors, only a few days after they had left the area voluntarily,” he reported.

In May last year, Port Sudan witnessed various demonstrations against the deteriorating living conditions and the policies of the Red Sea State’s Governor. The people were particularly angry about plans to sell four historical schools in the city’s centre, and use the plots for business investment by the Red Sea authorities.

Related articles:

Growing discontent in Port Sudan: activist interrogated (26 May 2014)

Citizens derail Governor’s rally in eastern Sudan (21 May 2014)

Protests in Port Sudan against sale of schools (19 May 2014)

’Million signatures campaign’ to remove governor, protests in eastern Sudan (6 May 2014)


