Plan to re-open idle factories in Sudan

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Mohamed Ali Abdallah announced a comprehensive programme to re-open idle factories and restructure factories that are not operating efficiently.

Cement industry in Sudan (Atbara Cement)

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Mohamed Ali Abdallah announced a comprehensive programme to re-open idle factories and restructure factories that are not operating efficiently.

The re-opening and restructuring of factories will provide employment opportunities for youth and women, Abdallah said. It will also create added value for agricultural, animal and mineral products, so they will be more competitive on global markets and provide Sudan with foreign currencies.

He announced a comprehensive plan to set up industrial zones. There are at this moment 3,100 factories in Khartoum state and 1,400 in the other states. Abdallah seeks a balanced development of factories in all states.

He said that the main challenges facing the industry in Sudan are a lack of transportation, roads and electricity, high operating costs, and exorbitant tax fees.

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