PCP insists Sudan Security’s powers curbed

Sudan’s Popular Congress Party (PCP) has threatened to withdraw from the National Dialogue unless the powers of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) are curbed, and recommendations on fundamental freedoms implemented.

Sudan’s Popular Congress Party (PCP) has threatened to withdraw from the National Dialogue unless the powers of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) are curbed, and recommendations on fundamental freedoms implemented.

The PCP cite the recommendations of the National Dialogue on the restriction of the powers of the NISS to the collection and analysis of information.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the PCP’s Abu Baker Abdelrazeg harshly attacked government spokesman and Minister of Information, Ahmed Bilal and described him as “a disciple following the National Congress Party and ingratiating to the Presidency so as to get a ministerial seat in the upcoming government”.

He has described the post of the Information Minister as “cartoonish” and explained that “all the power and authority are in the hands of the President”.

He has stressed his party’s insistence on modifying the role of the security apparatus into gathering of information only, in addition to adding the nine recommendations relating to the freedoms of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.


“The Minister’s announcement of not allowing parties to hold political activity and seminars in public squares, is an insult to the Presidency of the Republic,” he says.

“The freedoms are issues that have been approved to ensure a conducive environment for the National Dialogue.”

 Abdelrazeg confirmed that his party would withdraw from the dialogue if the nine recommendations relating to the freedoms are removed from the outputs of the dialogue.

He explained that the late party leader Dr Hassan El Turabi, recommended before his death that the party should withdraw from the dialogue in the event of the non-implementation of these recommendations.

‘Bad timing’

Observers have described the Information Minister’s comments as badly timed, compromising the government's credibility on implementation of the outcomes of the dialogue, particularly concerning the rights and freedoms considered as essential by the opposition in accepting the terms of the dialogue.

The Minister of Information has announced before that the government will never allow parties to hold political activities and seminars in public squares to call for demonstrations and regime change.

